Simply Beverage Co.

Branding & Drink Mix Package Design

Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

Project Purpose: Product Redesign & Ideation

Year Completed: 2021

As a brand and as a product specifically in the beverage industry, there are many steps and considerations that require you to stand out among any other beverage.

To stand out it takes authenticity and learning the patterns of things such as product placement and where the average consumer’s eye falls when they look at your product, especially in the drink aisle.

When redesigning a brand you have to elevate the brand while still holding true to the story being told by the product.

Type Study

The type study does many things, it makes the product stand out and allows the consumer to recognize the product.

For this redesign, I wanted to simplify while as well elevating the overall feel and look of Simply Beverage Co.

Merriweather uses a simplistic font with a subtle flair, using this font as opposed to the original font adds legibility while still being bold.

Color Palette

A successful color palette accomplishes many things, including simplicity of the design and illustrative features, and adding a general theme to the overall work.


R 124   G 32   B 55

C 0%   M 36%   Y 27%   K 51%


R 178   G 1   B 21

C 0%   M 69%   Y 62%   K 30%


R 230   G 134   B 11

C 0%   M 38%   Y 86%   K 10%

Logo Design

Incorporating the flavor of each drink mix into each logo was key for the packaging to flow together, the logo for each includes the main color of the flavors fruit, as well as the branding font using the slogan “Simply Mix” a play on words using a similar construct to Simply Beverages.



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